Faithful Friends Veterinary Care Where Best Friends Receive The Best Care Logo


64980 Van Dyke Ave., Washington, MI 48095


Mon - Fri 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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Wellness Care

Our Services


We offer a full range of wellness and preventative care procedures for dogs and cats. This includes We offer the full range of wellness care for dogs and cats of all ages. Take a look at our wellness services below

Puppy and Kitten Visits

Few veterinary visits in your pet’s life will be as important as the ones they receive as puppies or kittens. We offer the needed immunizations, deworming medication, and a full physical examination to make sure that your pet has a healthy start to its life. We’ll even give you educational materials and samples to get you started on being the best pet parent you can be.

Adult and Geriatric Semi-Annual Wellness Exams

With new best practices and techniques being developed every day, your pet’s lifespan can reach longer than ever before. We’ll go through our detailed checklist at each semi-annual exam to keep your adult or geriatric pet as healthy as we can for as long as we can, and catch anything that’s worrying before it becomes a problem.

Medical or “Sick Pet” Exams

When there’s an internal problem with your pet, you may notice something is wrong but not be able to tell what it is. Bring your pet into us and we’ll get to the bottom of the issue. We can check your pet’s vitals and organ function for clues about the cause of the issue. If something is wrong, we will find out and we will treat it.

In-House X-Ray and Lab Work

We are proud to say that we have the equipment and training to provide in-house x-ray and lab work for your pets. We’re trained in radiology to use x-ray machines and decipher their results. We can also do lab work on blood samples. All x-rays and lab work is performed in-house, saving you the trouble of finding a qualified lab and booking an appointment.

Preventative and Wellness Care Visits

Through our extensive expertise and experience, we can tell in most cases if a pet is healthy just by the way it walks, stands, or reacts to petting. You can trust our sharp eyes to find anything that might be wrong during a routine wellness visit. If we do find something troubling, we can prescribe the necessary medication or procedure to correct it before it causes a problem for your pet.

Health Certificates (Inter-State and International)

If you need a health certificate for your pet for any reason, we can help. We’ll perform the exam and if your pet passes we will sign the health certificate for you. We can certify your pet’s health at both the inter-state and international levels.

In-Home Palliative, Hospice, and End-Of-Life Care

No one wants to see their pet reach the end of their life, but when they do you want them to be comfortable. That’s why we offer in-home palliative and hospice care to established clients so that they can spend their last moments comfortably and feel loved. If you’re interested in palliative or hospice care, please give us a call to discuss further.

Other Info

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