Faithful Friends Veterinary Care Where Best Friends Receive The Best Care Logo


64980 Van Dyke Ave., Washington, MI 48095


Mon - Fri 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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Dental Services

Our Services


Keeping your pet’s dental hygiene in check is important for more than just avoiding stinky breath and yellow teeth. Like in humans, poor dental health can affect other areas of your pet’s wellbeing, too. We’ll keep those teeth pearly white!

Teeth Cleaning

Just like you, clean teeth are important to your pet’s health! We recommend at least a yearly teeth cleaning for your pet to keep them healthy, happy, and smiling bright.

Dental X-Ray

We perform all x-ray work in-house, including dental. We can use dental x-rays to further analyze the health of your pet’s teeth, and figure out what work needs to be done.

Dental Prophylaxis and Dental Extractions

While dental prophylaxis sounds like a complicated procedure, you receive this care each time you visit a dentist. It’s simply the process of removing plaque and polishing teeth as a defense against tooth and gum disease, and it’s as important for your pet as it is for you.

If your pet needs a tooth extracted, we can perform the procedure effectively and comfortably. Like with any invasive procedure we perform, we will give your pet a pre-medication to help them stay calm, and we’ll provide you with pain medication to take home for the following days.

Other Info

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